Saturday, November 5, 2011

I can't remember the last time I...

I can't remember the last time I took a shower with out being watched by a 2 year old.
Showering today my 2 year old stood in between the clear plastic curtain and the show-off fabric curtain watching me, trying to convince me to let her get in with me.
It was my own fault, I told her she could come upstairs. But it got me thinking, I couldn't remember the last time I showered with out her beautiful eyes taking me in. She is so curious and intent on not letting me out of her sight.
Then again, my husband gives her baths every night, essentially watching her as she "bathes" so maybe she thinks it is common practice to ensure a bather is being watched while they get clean.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mother's Day Essay Contest (A little late, but wanted to share)

I have been a mother for almost 2 years now. My daughter was born on May 9th, the day before Mother's Day in 2009. She was late, all I could say was she better not be born on my anniversary, May 8th, selfish me. I recently entered another contest asking when motherhood begins. For me it was the moment I finally let go of myself and accepted everything I didn't want to accept about my beautiful little baby. A little back story, I wanted a boy, they said I was having a girl, I wanted her to come early, she came a week late, I wanted to be gushed over, the midwives dutifully took my vitals, asked if I had questions and sent me on my way. Then she was born, we had a name, I had a baby, but it wasn't real yet. I didn't feel like I really wanted her. My mom looked happier than me, but it's my baby. Then it hits me, a wave of emotions that still make me cry to this day. Years ago, after giving birth to a healthy boy and years before my time, my mom got pregnant again. She knew she was going to have a girl. She named her girl. She was already a mom from her first son, but this girl was the icing so to speak. Then, weeks later, on a toilet, on Mothers Day she miscarries. Unable to flush, unable to let go of her little girl for a good while. For years she resented Mother's Day. She would smile politely as the five of us brought her breakfast in bed, eat some and then usher us out so she could mourn her first lost, her first girl. Now, here at the hospital, my mom's oldest living daughter, has given her back joy for Mother's Day. I have joined the ranks of motherhood. I am grateful and appreciative of the gift that God has blessed my entire family with and that is the birth of my daughter. I am her mother. I was her mother the second my husbands little swimmer made it to my egg. But I didn't really accept it until I realized the victory that I had attained by carrying this beautiful baby girl for 41 weeks and presenting her to my mom. My first mothers day was less than 48 hours after giving birth. And it was the best Mother's Day ever, because this was the weekend that I became a mom and finally knew what my mom felt in her attachment to her first baby girl. And now my baby girl has forever changed Mother's Day back to a day of gratitude for my mom. Atleast I like to think so.
All that to say this, Motherhood for me really began in the realization that a woman is a woman until she accepts everything that comes with the child that she is carrying or bears. Accepting possible loss, accepting gender, accepting due date and birth date differences and accepting the nasty goopiness of fresh newborn. Motherhood, has changed me in ways that I could never have imagined years ago. I am less self centered. I am more, patient. I am independent, but happily tied down. I watch passers by more carefully than I did on my first deployment to Iraq. Motherhood has made me and continues to make me. My husband deployed 3 months after our daughter was born and I continued to work and care for her. I couldn't tell you how many times I cried. Or how many hardships we had through out that year. But every time I considered breaking down or giving up, I knew I couldn't, I was in the middle of the most important 24/7 job of my life, Motherhood.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Impromptu Review: Simple Wishes Pumping Bra

Recently I won a Simple Wishes Hands Free Pumping Bra from a facebook giveaway. I was so thrilled because I pump EVERYDAY and have been pining for a handsfree pumping bra for months! I work full time and pump a minimum of 3 times a day, if not 4-7 times. Sometimes I have 24 hour duty so I am away from my baby the whole time and need to pump every feeding. I also pump extra milk every morning just in case I ever have to leave my little man for an extended period of time. When I had to leave my daughter for 2 weeks I left a FULL deep freezers worth of milk and returned to about 20 bags...when I left there were well over 100 bags. It was crazy to see an empty freezer.
Anyway, back to this phenomenal pumping bra. When the box came I was in the middle of making dinner and was so thrilled to open it. I was tempted to pump a little bit after I put my little man to bed just to try it out :) But I refrained. Inside the box was the bra (I chose a SM/M black) with an extender panel and straps. I love this about this bra. I found that my most comfortable fit includes the extender panel. It is a 2" wide strip that zips into the front of the bra for those boobs that are a little more spaced out than others. The bra itself is essentially 3 pieces, but dont let this put you off. The back is an adjustable velcro closure to get the perfect fit. So each side can be moved on the back panel if you are a bit fuller or a bit smaller than usual. I have adjusted mine a few times to find that perfect fit. Practice makes perfect! It was so easy to use this bra. For a reference I have a Medela Freestyle Pump with the SoftFit breast shields.
 I literally took it out of the package, adjusted it to my size, zipped it up, inserted my pump cups and proceeded to fold clothes...while pumping! I was so liberated! Thank you Simple Wishes! I was so afraid that a hands free pumping bra would take as long to put on than it would to pump. Boy, was I wrong. This was so easy, I use it every time I pump now. This morning, I ate breakfast...while pumping. This afternoon, I typed...while pumping. So amazing!
One thing I did not do, after my 3rd time using my wonder bra I found that I was supposed to wash it before the first use. Whoops!
Washing it didn't affect the fit or comfortability of the bra. Also, I have found that the bra leaves small black fibers on my breastshields. This doesn't bother me because it doesn't seem to be getting on the inside and it could be because I use the Medela SoftFit breastshield. But it really is not a big deal and had I gotten a white bra I likely never would have noticed. I have included a few pictures to show how it fits and how easy it is to use.  Well, happy pumping and if you require hands free pumping, I would definitely suggest the Simple Wishes Hands Free Pumping Bra.
You can find them on Facebook and Twitter

I was trying to add a couple pictures but it doesn't seem to be working right now, so I will try again later.

Oh and P.S. I was not paid by Simple Wishes to write this, I just wanted to write about it, like I said, I won it on a Facebook giveaway contest they were having. Good products deserve good words said about them.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jiffy Lube should do the world a favor and go out of business

I can not remember the last time I have been so frustrated with and appalled by a business' services. On a Monday I went to Jiffy Lube to get a routine oil change. It was great, I was in and out very quickly and while it did cost me 40 dollars I received a military discount, which not all businesses offer. I was pleased, until I was driving home in a hurry the next day trying to get my textbook for my class and get to school on time after leaving work later than I should have. On my way home I hear a rattling under the hood, so I returned to the last place my car was serviced, Jiffy Lube. On my way there my husband calls and says there is oil all over the garage and our daughter almost walked through and slipped in the oil. Thank goodness he stopped her before she did.
Furious and late I go to Jiffy Lube and explain the situation, they take my car, and minutes later are done. When I asked what in the world happened, it was explained that my 2007 Camry has an updated filter system. For those of you who don't know, when you change the oil, traditionally you would unscrew the oil cap and canister and replace the canister after draining all the oil and then refill the oil after you put the cap back on people, stay with me here. Well with my car it uses a filter that has a paper insert and the canister is reused, in my opinion this is a way of being more eco friendly, I LIKE :)
So I said how ridiculous that was and another representative starts saying how because it is new it was an honest mistake more or less. I cut him off, and went of on him/them. You have got to be freaking kidding me. First of all, it's a 2007, not a 2012 or some craziness. Second, you are an oil changing company! Learn the ropes before you try to change oil. I wish I had the time and energy to contact the franchise owner and let him know what kind of ridiculousness was going on.
So then I ask about the mess in my garage because my pregnant butt was not going to be cleaning up oil especially since it wasn't my fault. They handed me a can of stuff and I was on my way...really!?!?! Thanks Jiffy Lube, I hope to never deal with you again. My love called the store and told them they better send someone out because he wasn't doing it and I wasn't doing it so that left them :) I love when he fights back! So they sent some kid out and he cleaned it up. The only real satisfaction I got from the whole ordeal.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

We had a baby, It's a boy (My 2nd delivery story)

     Do you remember that commercial years ago when a phone company was advertising unlimited minutes so you didn't have to keep your phone calls to 59 seconds or less. The man was making calls and as soon as the recipient picked up he quickly said, "we had a baby, it's a boy". My husband was calling people with that line when we found out we were going to have a boy.
     Now, on May 20th, we had our boy! Benjamin Bryce joined our family a week early, completely unexpected since his sister was a week late! On the 19th we picked my father in law up from the airport. We flew him in to help with the chaos that was sure to ensue after Ben's birth. We ate lunch, went to my 39 week baby check up, where I had them sweep my membranes, ate dinner, went to see a movie, got Dad settled in. Nothing unusual, we didn't even go for a walk or have sex!! I remember getting into bed around 10 that night telling my husband thanks for nothing, now we wont have the baby anytime soon because he didn't do his part. Then around 11:45 pm I woke up with contractions, still not unusual, took some tylenol and tried to get comfortable. I remember getting up and down going to the bathroom and trying to squat and relax the pains away. I thought, if they are still bothersome or worse around 3:00 am I will go ahead and go in. I hate thinking about going to the hospital too early.
     Finally around 12:30 am I woke my husband up, told him I was going to shower and then I would probably want to go to the hospital if the contractions didn't stop. I don't think I finished my sentence before he was up and fumbling around to "get ready". You would have thought this was his first kid the way he freaked out.
     We arrived at the hospital around 1:30 am, I would normally refuse a wheelchair, I despise appearing incapable, but tonight, I sat in it and pressured my poor husband to practically run to get me to Labor and Delivery. When they checked me I was an 8. Same as when I came up with my daughter 2 years ago. The male nurse was beyond annoying. If I had time I would have requested he be fired and I be assigned another nurse. But they assigned me a room (and with that a new nurse) and refused to break my water because I am GBS positive and they wanted to get some medicine into me first.
     Although no sooner did I get to the room that I felt the urge to poop. Yep, about 10 minutes after I was an 8 I was a ready to go 10. My husband hardly had time to get some ice chips and set up my ipod while I was pushing. The pain was much worse than with my daughter. I remember begging for the sweet relief of my water breaking. With my daughter when they broke my water bag alot of my pain moved from the back to the front and became much more manageable for me. Unfortunately, after breaking my water bag this time the pain intensified and I regretted coming to the hospital so late and having a natural delivery. I would have jumped at the chance to have an epidural at this point but don't think I would be able to sit still long enough to get it anyway.
     I pushed for what seemed like an eternity. This young boy felt as though he would never come out. I did however remember to request a mirror so I could seem him toying with my emotions. Why do they have to come out a few inches and then retreat? So unfair. I was so hot and tired from pushing but finally, a little more than an hour after arriving at the hospital, at 2:43 am, my son, Benjamin Bryce was born. After he was out I learned why it was so much more painful, he was being nosey and come out looking up instead of the widely accepted (and I'm sure appreciated), down. The midwife stroked my ego saying I had a very good pelvis and that most mothers would not be able to push out a baby his size and in his position. He was 8 lbs and 4 oz, 5 oz less than his sister, but then again he was born a week early.
     They put him on me immediately and my husband was able to cut the cord (with our daughter they cut it, took her to the warmer and asked him if he wanted to cut it...doesn't make sense, I know). He even impressed me when they took Ben to the warmer to clean him up and put a diaper on him and my husband stopped them and dug a lil Joey cloth diaper out to put on him. For the first 24 hours Ben was strictly cloth diapered, then they were all dirty and needed to be cleaned. Note to self, buy more newborn cloth diapers for the next baby.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is there such a thing as working house wife?

I GOT A SEWING/EMBROIDERY MACHINE!!!! I can't believe how many arts and crafts and hobbies I want to take on. Currently I am pregnant (hobby), an Active Duty NCO in the Army (art), Cloth Diaper my 21 m/o (art), bake cakes (hobby), make little chocolate candies (craft), going to college, 2 courses (art), and NOW I have all this fabric and some patterns to really dive into sewing and embroidery (hobby)!!!

I am very excited about my new machine, it is a Brother and is sponsored by Disney and Pixar so I can embroider various different characters preprogrammed into the machine! :) I bought a ton of fabric to make cloth diapers with and to make some outfits for my little girl :). In March I am making a cake for my little nephew who is turning California!! (Pictures should be attached) So I get to figure out how I am going to get that cake from Washington to California. My unit had 3 people sent to a class and choose me...yes just take over for all 3 of them! Eek! And I need to read 3 chapters for one of my classes by week!!! Ay yi yi! And the crazy part is, I seem to live for this! I can not just sit still!

So if anyone has any advice or helpful hints for all my arts and crafts and hobbies I am ears wide open!! And when I start finishing things I will post them here to see what viewers might think.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Afraid to Pee

So as it turns out our eager little achiever wants to sit on the toilet, wipe herself and flush...the empty toilet, but is far too scared to allow herself to pee in the toilet. The poor thing will sit on the toilet and move side to side, cross her legs, tighten her tummy and do anything so as not to pee on the toilet. We've tried distracting her with games and books and songs while she sits, but she is still refusing to let herself go.
I thought all the signs pointed to "I'm ready" but as it turns out, all she wants to do is point to her diaper. I am not sure why she is afraid but seeing as how she is only 20 months I am in no rush to resort to drastic measures. I just never thought she was going to be this child. And honestly I never even imagined this was a problem for some parents. I've heard of being afraid to poop, but never have I heard of being afraid to pee. Oh well some day she will pee in the toilet and my husband and I will let her know how proud of her we are.  

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

My first post of the new year. A lot has happened in 2010 and now it is time to look forward to 2011! I can not believe it is already 2011! Time really does fly even when it can feel slow at times. So this year, not unlike every other year I have come up with some goals (resolutions to some).
     1) Read my bible every day! Years ago my Grandpa and his wife gave me this daily bible (it separates the bible into sections so you can go through it all in a year), possibly for my high school graduation but I've had it so long I couldn't tell you when I got it. All I know is it was from him and never got read until last year...when I had this same goal. I was doing pretty good too, until my Grandpa died, my husband came home from his deployment, and we prepared to move. Oh and we got pregnant again. Busy few months it was :). So this year I plan to read it all the way through, I think last year I got to about August. But this year I will make it all the way to DECEMBER!!! Off to a bad start though, here we are on day 3 of the year and I haven't even started.
     2) Be more helpful around the house. My husband does so much for me and our family and household and I think I am so lazy sometimes because I feel that I did it all for a whole year while he was off gallivanting. OK, OK he was deployed, in a desert, with a 24/7 job and no real releases but I'm just expressing how it felt for me at times. Here I was caring for a newborn, working full time (my choice), taking care of a house and all in a state where I felt alone. But enough about me. I need to get over this attitude that I did everything and help out more. "Did" is past tense and now I need to "do" for my family and my husband. To show him more appreciation in the little things.
     3) SAVE MORE MONEY. This is a big one. We had a very expensive holiday season and in doing so took allot from our savings account. We are still in a much better position than most of our peers as I understand it but I would like to have a much larger nest egg before this baby comes. IN SIX MONTHS!!! Ay yi yi! On top of that one of us will be leaving our job when this new one comes and we need to be very prepared for a financial shock. Going from two very comfortable paychecks to one will be quite the experience I am sure.
     4) Complete a minimum of 12 semester hours towards the entrepreneurship certificate that I am working towards.
     5) See as much of family as possible. Since we've moved we live minutes away from some of Scott's family and about a half day trip from mine in California. I would love to see more of all of them this year.

Well i think that will do it. Be sure to check back in to see how my endeavors are coming along.