Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

My first post of the new year. A lot has happened in 2010 and now it is time to look forward to 2011! I can not believe it is already 2011! Time really does fly even when it can feel slow at times. So this year, not unlike every other year I have come up with some goals (resolutions to some).
     1) Read my bible every day! Years ago my Grandpa and his wife gave me this daily bible (it separates the bible into sections so you can go through it all in a year), possibly for my high school graduation but I've had it so long I couldn't tell you when I got it. All I know is it was from him and never got read until last year...when I had this same goal. I was doing pretty good too, until my Grandpa died, my husband came home from his deployment, and we prepared to move. Oh and we got pregnant again. Busy few months it was :). So this year I plan to read it all the way through, I think last year I got to about August. But this year I will make it all the way to DECEMBER!!! Off to a bad start though, here we are on day 3 of the year and I haven't even started.
     2) Be more helpful around the house. My husband does so much for me and our family and household and I think I am so lazy sometimes because I feel that I did it all for a whole year while he was off gallivanting. OK, OK he was deployed, in a desert, with a 24/7 job and no real releases but I'm just expressing how it felt for me at times. Here I was caring for a newborn, working full time (my choice), taking care of a house and all in a state where I felt alone. But enough about me. I need to get over this attitude that I did everything and help out more. "Did" is past tense and now I need to "do" for my family and my husband. To show him more appreciation in the little things.
     3) SAVE MORE MONEY. This is a big one. We had a very expensive holiday season and in doing so took allot from our savings account. We are still in a much better position than most of our peers as I understand it but I would like to have a much larger nest egg before this baby comes. IN SIX MONTHS!!! Ay yi yi! On top of that one of us will be leaving our job when this new one comes and we need to be very prepared for a financial shock. Going from two very comfortable paychecks to one will be quite the experience I am sure.
     4) Complete a minimum of 12 semester hours towards the entrepreneurship certificate that I am working towards.
     5) See as much of family as possible. Since we've moved we live minutes away from some of Scott's family and about a half day trip from mine in California. I would love to see more of all of them this year.

Well i think that will do it. Be sure to check back in to see how my endeavors are coming along.

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