Saturday, June 4, 2011

We had a baby, It's a boy (My 2nd delivery story)

     Do you remember that commercial years ago when a phone company was advertising unlimited minutes so you didn't have to keep your phone calls to 59 seconds or less. The man was making calls and as soon as the recipient picked up he quickly said, "we had a baby, it's a boy". My husband was calling people with that line when we found out we were going to have a boy.
     Now, on May 20th, we had our boy! Benjamin Bryce joined our family a week early, completely unexpected since his sister was a week late! On the 19th we picked my father in law up from the airport. We flew him in to help with the chaos that was sure to ensue after Ben's birth. We ate lunch, went to my 39 week baby check up, where I had them sweep my membranes, ate dinner, went to see a movie, got Dad settled in. Nothing unusual, we didn't even go for a walk or have sex!! I remember getting into bed around 10 that night telling my husband thanks for nothing, now we wont have the baby anytime soon because he didn't do his part. Then around 11:45 pm I woke up with contractions, still not unusual, took some tylenol and tried to get comfortable. I remember getting up and down going to the bathroom and trying to squat and relax the pains away. I thought, if they are still bothersome or worse around 3:00 am I will go ahead and go in. I hate thinking about going to the hospital too early.
     Finally around 12:30 am I woke my husband up, told him I was going to shower and then I would probably want to go to the hospital if the contractions didn't stop. I don't think I finished my sentence before he was up and fumbling around to "get ready". You would have thought this was his first kid the way he freaked out.
     We arrived at the hospital around 1:30 am, I would normally refuse a wheelchair, I despise appearing incapable, but tonight, I sat in it and pressured my poor husband to practically run to get me to Labor and Delivery. When they checked me I was an 8. Same as when I came up with my daughter 2 years ago. The male nurse was beyond annoying. If I had time I would have requested he be fired and I be assigned another nurse. But they assigned me a room (and with that a new nurse) and refused to break my water because I am GBS positive and they wanted to get some medicine into me first.
     Although no sooner did I get to the room that I felt the urge to poop. Yep, about 10 minutes after I was an 8 I was a ready to go 10. My husband hardly had time to get some ice chips and set up my ipod while I was pushing. The pain was much worse than with my daughter. I remember begging for the sweet relief of my water breaking. With my daughter when they broke my water bag alot of my pain moved from the back to the front and became much more manageable for me. Unfortunately, after breaking my water bag this time the pain intensified and I regretted coming to the hospital so late and having a natural delivery. I would have jumped at the chance to have an epidural at this point but don't think I would be able to sit still long enough to get it anyway.
     I pushed for what seemed like an eternity. This young boy felt as though he would never come out. I did however remember to request a mirror so I could seem him toying with my emotions. Why do they have to come out a few inches and then retreat? So unfair. I was so hot and tired from pushing but finally, a little more than an hour after arriving at the hospital, at 2:43 am, my son, Benjamin Bryce was born. After he was out I learned why it was so much more painful, he was being nosey and come out looking up instead of the widely accepted (and I'm sure appreciated), down. The midwife stroked my ego saying I had a very good pelvis and that most mothers would not be able to push out a baby his size and in his position. He was 8 lbs and 4 oz, 5 oz less than his sister, but then again he was born a week early.
     They put him on me immediately and my husband was able to cut the cord (with our daughter they cut it, took her to the warmer and asked him if he wanted to cut it...doesn't make sense, I know). He even impressed me when they took Ben to the warmer to clean him up and put a diaper on him and my husband stopped them and dug a lil Joey cloth diaper out to put on him. For the first 24 hours Ben was strictly cloth diapered, then they were all dirty and needed to be cleaned. Note to self, buy more newborn cloth diapers for the next baby.

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