Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jiffy Lube should do the world a favor and go out of business

I can not remember the last time I have been so frustrated with and appalled by a business' services. On a Monday I went to Jiffy Lube to get a routine oil change. It was great, I was in and out very quickly and while it did cost me 40 dollars I received a military discount, which not all businesses offer. I was pleased, until I was driving home in a hurry the next day trying to get my textbook for my class and get to school on time after leaving work later than I should have. On my way home I hear a rattling under the hood, so I returned to the last place my car was serviced, Jiffy Lube. On my way there my husband calls and says there is oil all over the garage and our daughter almost walked through and slipped in the oil. Thank goodness he stopped her before she did.
Furious and late I go to Jiffy Lube and explain the situation, they take my car, and minutes later are done. When I asked what in the world happened, it was explained that my 2007 Camry has an updated filter system. For those of you who don't know, when you change the oil, traditionally you would unscrew the oil cap and canister and replace the canister after draining all the oil and then refill the oil after you put the cap back on people, stay with me here. Well with my car it uses a filter that has a paper insert and the canister is reused, in my opinion this is a way of being more eco friendly, I LIKE :)
So I said how ridiculous that was and another representative starts saying how because it is new it was an honest mistake more or less. I cut him off, and went of on him/them. You have got to be freaking kidding me. First of all, it's a 2007, not a 2012 or some craziness. Second, you are an oil changing company! Learn the ropes before you try to change oil. I wish I had the time and energy to contact the franchise owner and let him know what kind of ridiculousness was going on.
So then I ask about the mess in my garage because my pregnant butt was not going to be cleaning up oil especially since it wasn't my fault. They handed me a can of stuff and I was on my way...really!?!?! Thanks Jiffy Lube, I hope to never deal with you again. My love called the store and told them they better send someone out because he wasn't doing it and I wasn't doing it so that left them :) I love when he fights back! So they sent some kid out and he cleaned it up. The only real satisfaction I got from the whole ordeal.

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