Tuesday, December 28, 2010


WooHoo!! Finally I have chosen a blog website, went through all the setup hassles and have come out victorious. This is my very first blog. To start I would like to explain my title for my blog "I think I Qualify" I used that because I believe every good blog has a good reason to be on the internet, or read at all. I think I qualify to write blogs because I am a mom, who cloth diapers her 20 month old, is pregnant once again, due in May, and works full time (really thats an understatement) for the US Army as a...soldier/NCO. For those of you who don't know what an NCO is it stands for Non-Commissioned Officer, basically I've been in long enough and worked hard enough to be given more responsibilities. Yay me!
So in my opinion I think I qualify, oh and did I mention I practice the taboo art of Extended Rear Facing with my baby girl? Don't let anyone see you put your 30 pound, walking, talking gorgeous almost toddler in the back seat facing the back window. You will inevitably get a comment, if not the opportunity to share your reasons and be dismissed. I have heard "isn't she too big?", "can't you turn them around at a year, is she not a year yet?", and my favorite response after I am given the opportunity to share my reasons, from my own brother once as well, "oh, NO! Don't tell me that, I don't want to hear all that bad stuff that could happen!" WHY? Because you might actually see the bright side of ERF (Extended Rear Facing, if you haven't figured it out).
But enough about all that. The big accomplishment of the day is that I am finally a blogger and have my very first blog on my blog space, or spot, or site? Who knows :)


  1. I can see where you think you qualify. I'd have to agree with you. What is with the cloth diapers though. It is soooo much easier with disposable's. I totally get the rear facing car seat. Does your baby girl mind it? I mean where does she put her feet and it just seems weird.

  2. Here is another thought. How does cloth diapers work for potty treining toddlers? Do they have cloth pull-ups? Oh, I guess that would be training pants. Do cloth diapered kids potty train sooner?

  3. Everafter, if you have a facebook account go to Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products page. Or if not go to skjp.com. They have some great pictures and information on the seat that I use. There are many awesome seats out there made by britax, recaro and so on but if you want to see what I use and have experience with I own 2 Radian XTSL seats. Also, for more cloth diaper information and some really great articles by extra experienced moms go to Kellyscloset.com. There are a few links on my page for that website. There are lots of great websites to research and buy but kellyscloset.com has it all in one place with links. Also, see my newest post. About ERF, cloth, and potty training.
